TOP 10 MEDIUM SIZED DOG BREEDS | Most Popular Medium Dogs?



TOP 10 MEDIUM SIZED DOG BREEDS | Most Popular Medium Dogs?

Some people prefer small dogs, while some would rather keep a large one. But for some people, the perfect dog is right in the middle. So today, we are going to count down our picks for the top 10 medium-sized dog breeds. 

Medium-sized dogs are pretty popular because usually when let’s say when you and your partner can’t agree between getting a large dog or a small dog you usually compromise and get something in the middle.. you know like a medium-size dog breed instead.. Right?



Border Collies are adorable medium-sized dogs that weigh around 30-45 pounds and grow up to 19 to 22 inches tall. They are known to be intelligent and highly tolerable of small children. So if you have a family with small kids, this dog is perfect! The Border Collie’s medium size can also lessen the tendencies of them knocking your kids over. Aside from being trainable and intelligent, Border Collies are also great in a lot of canine sports, which include agility, tracking, and obedience. Get ready to be outsmarted by this dog because it is bound to happen! As long as they get a lot of mental and physical exercises, your Collie will make for a great family companion. Though they’re highly affectionate, they don’t like to be coddled. They are anything but couch-potato dogs. Because they come from a heritage of herding dogs, the Border Collie wants and needs a job at all times! So if you’re more of a laid-back pet owner, you might have trouble keeping up with Collie’s unending burst of energy.



This sweet-faced angel is America’s most popular dog breed. Labrador Retrievers are medium to large-sized dogs that stand from 21.5-24.5 inches and weigh around 55-80 pounds.  Labs are also known to be friendly and affectionate. Their glimmering eyes will make anybody fall in love! After all, they’ve earned their reputation for being sweet-natured breeds. Aside from this, they’re also great house pets who bond well with their human families and they also socialize well with other animals. Because Labs love to eat, they get obese quite easily. So make sure to lessen the threats. However, it helps to know that Labs are enthusiastic athletes that need a lot of exercises to keep them mentally and physically fit. Your Lab will probably be up for anything though. From swimming to playing fetch and dress-up, you’re sure to have a partner that won’t bail on you.



The Beagle is a low-maintenance, medium-sized hound that gets along well with people and other dogs quite easily. A full-grown beagle stands at 13 inches and weighs less than 20 pounds. They have a reputation for being animated pets that thrive on being in the spotlight. In fact, they love being in the presence of their human families so much that they become destructive when they’re left alone. So if you’re a pet owner that works for long hours, then you might have to think about getting this dog breed. Their excessive howling and stubbornness can sometimes make training twice as hard. They also have a reputation for having selective deafness once they discover an interesting smell. If you’ve noticed, these dogs are huge sniffers! So it’s no surprise why they prioritize this calling. It’s essential to train this dog breed when they’re still puppies. Take them to obedience training and socialization classes to have a well-rounded Beagle.



Great dogs definitely come in medium sizes. Versatile and athletic, the English Springer Spaniel are great partners to have along when you go camping or hiking.  Among the spaniel breeds, the English Springer Spaniel is the tallest, standing at 19-20 inches. They also weigh up to 45-55 pounds. Because they’re always bursting with energy, they need a lot of room to run. Apartment dwellers aren’t the best fit for these dogs. Springers are polite dogs that are good with children and fellow animals as well. With the classic Spaniel look, they have expressive and large eyes, long-hanging ears, and a luscious coat. This dog is easy to train because they’re highly intelligent. They’re always happy when working closely with their humans so training is the best bonding moment for them. Grooming can be a bit of a hassle with this dog breed though. You might consider trimming the hair around their feet, legs, and ears.



A Whippet looks similar to a greyhound, only smaller. Not too big and not too small, they’re ideal even for people with small living spaces. The Whippet’s unique nature, stylish look, and friendly personality make them great companions. This dog breed can grow up to 19-20 inches tall and weigh up to 18-48 pounds. City dwellers adore this dog breed because they rarely bark and they’re a low-maintenance pet. The sleek Whippet is a dignified, amiable, and gentle souled dog but they’re still always up for fun! Give them something to chase and they’ll be off buzzing around the place. Weirdly enough, this dog loves to stretch out and relax like a cat! Though they love cozying up, they also need adequate exercise just like any dog. Also, here’s a quick caution warning. Being hounds, they have an excessively strong prey drive. So if you’re fond of cats, your Whippet is surely not going to be its friend.



Sammies, as they’re famously called, sound like an overall package in this list: medium-sized, dashing, friendly, clever, and always up for fun. A fully grown Sammie can grow up to 23 inches tall and weigh up to 35-65 pounds. As a working breed, they can be a bit strong-willed. However, they maintain their loyal and affectionate personalities. They are known to be good-natured dogs and they’re highly tolerable of little children. As much as they love their human families, they do choose to dote on one significant person in the household. This breed also strives for human attention and leaving them alone for hours will make them miserable. Sammies also has a notably gorgeous white coat which is a bear to groom. They can also be quite challenging to own because they’re talkative dogs. They like to voice out their likes and dislikes with howls, bellows, and barks. This is why it’s best to keep them busy or they’ll end up annoying you with their destructive behaviors. Proper training and early socialization will surely lessen these tendencies.



As charming as the ones you’ve seen in the movies, the Dalmatian is an elegant, medium-sized dog that can go from gallant to goofy real quick. They can grow up to 23 inches tall and weigh up to 45-60 pounds. They love to be involved in family activities. That said, they need tons of good exercise to remain mentally and physically fit. If you’re in search of a jogging partner and friend in one, the Dalmatian is one of your best bets! If you’re thinking about getting a Dalmatian, be aware that they are highly active and that might be a hassle for laid-back pet owners. Not just that, but they’re also highly intelligent as well. Without early training, your Dalmatian might just decide that it’s their job to run things in the household. They are headstrong dogs so you should be consistent and firm. At the same time, don’t be too harsh because they’re sensitive beings that don’t respond well to harsh treatment. Rather, use positive reinforcement and incorporate rewards for good behavior.



The Standard Schnauzer is a medium-sized dog that is not only charming but is also highly intelligent! This dog can grow up to 20 inches and weigh around 35-50 pounds. This distinctive dog is also versatile, protective, and loving to its human families. Because of their working dog roots, they make for excellent watchdogs. They’re quick to bark on suspicious individuals and just about any type of disturbance. Their barks are surprisingly loud and deep for a dog their size. Standard Schnauzers can be strong-willed and stubborn. Because their intelligence is above average, they’ll devise a cheeky plan to know your weaknesses and use them against you! If you’re passive enough, your bossy Standard Schnauzer will rule the household. It takes an intelligent owner to be one step ahead of this cunning dog. The Standard Schnauzer needs to be trained with consistency and firmness. Like any dog, it’s essential to socialize them at an early age. 



Full of energy and smart as a whip, the Australian Shepherd is one of the happiest dogs on the planet. “Aussies”, as they’re called, are one of the ideal medium-sized dogs. They stand at 20-23 inches and weigh around 40-60 pounds. This dog breed thrives on putting its intelligence and determination at work. So make sure to always give them something to do because they’re far from being your couch-potato pal. Bored Aussies are a recipe for disaster. Lacking a job to do, they become loud and destructive! Because they seem to never run out of energy, Aussies need tons of exercise. A walk down the block won’t cut it so you might need a yard to cater to this dog’s needs. If you’re a busy person who doesn’t have the time to train and care for an Aussie, we recommend getting another breed instead. However, this sharp, medium-sized dog is trainable. You can even teach them household chores such as picking up stuff from the floor. One thing’s for sure though, they’ll definitely pick up food that you accidentally dropped on the floor.



With large floppy ears and droopy eyes, who could ever resist the charms of the Basset Hound? Bassets are loyal, loving, adaptable, relaxed, and affectionate. This dog stands between 11-15 inches in height and weighs up to 40-63 pounds.  Though they can never win a race with their heavy bones and short legs, they make great hunting dogs. Bassets are renowned scent hounds and their phenomenal sense of smell ranks second to a Bloodhound! Though they are curious outdoors, they’re rather lazy and calm inside the house. These medium-sized dog loves being with their families and they’re miserable when left alone. They can actually be destructive and loud if left alone for long periods of time. This dog is also a hearty eater and because of this, you can easily end up with a chunky Basset. Regular exercise is a must! Luckily, they have great endurance so they’ll be fine with long walks. Patience is truly a virtue when it comes to training this dog. They can be independent thinking and stubborn. However, they comply with commands if you have a tasty treat to offer.


If you enjoyed this article you’re going to love the TOP 10 CALMEST DOG BREEDS  & the 10 BEST INDOOR DOGS


Any dog can be friendly when properly trained and If you’re looking for professional dog training but are on a budget or just feel more comfortable training your dog at home  Click HERE





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