TOP 10 Best Dogs For Families You Can’t Live Without


TOP 10 Best Dogs For Families | Best Dogs Families Shouldn’t Live Without!

If you want the perfect companion for your growing family, a loving and good-natured dog is a great idea. However, all dogs are bred for different types of purposes, that’s why randomly picking a breed can cause potential harm and liability. It’s important to know which breed is best suited for your family’s lifestyle and personality. So for today’s video, we’re listing down our picks for the top 10 dogs for families. Before we get into the article, make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit that notification bell to help us beat the YouTube algorithm. If you stick around and read to the end of the article we even include a bonus you won’t want to miss.



If you have a peaceful household, the Great Pyrenees is the perfect breed for you. This devoted, calm, and well-mannered canine is also great for families with little children. This incredible amount of patience makes them a good pick for dog owners with a growing family. The Great Pyrenees is a versatile breed as they can be great family pets and guard dogs as well. They are known to be naturally protective of their loved ones. So much that it makes them instinctively nurturing dogs. They are generally patient and kind not just to humans but to other animals as well. However, because of their strong herding instincts, they can potentially drive away other animals that do not belong to the family. Because of this dog’s giant size, they can easily harm other animals so early socialization and training are essential to avoid liabilities. But no worries, this dog breed is also known for its intelligence and this makes training easier. Another thing to know about the Great Pyrenees is that they have extreme tendencies to suffer from separation anxiety. This often leads to destructive behaviors so don’t leave them alone for long hours. Lastly, though their coats are absolutely beautiful, they shed a lot.



With the combination of toy and spaniel traits, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is gentle, sweet-tempered, and playful. They’re a great option for families because of their docile and affectionate personalities. Though it’s mandatory to supervise your children in the presence of animals, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is perceived to be friendly with little kids. This breed lives a comfortable life filled with cuddles and snuggles from their human families. But they’re more than just lazy indoor dogs because they’re more than happy to chase and be chased. It’s important to know that Cavaliers are very dependent on companionship. These dogs are extremely vulnerable to separation anxiety that’s why you shouldn’t leave them alone unaccompanied. On the good side, Cavaliers are known to be polite and peaceful with other people and animals.



Border Collies aren’t famous for no reason. This dog can be a terrific playmate for the kids and a reliable companion for the adults. The cheerful Border Collie has a bursting amount of energy that makes them ready for any activity. They love running and romping around so this will definitely keep your kids active too. This dog is bold, adventurous, and curious so they’re best suited for families with an active lifestyle. Failure to cater to the Border Collie’s thirst for action can potentially develop unwanted behaviors like chewing, barking, or destroying anything that interests them. Just remember that a bored Border Collie is a volcano waiting to erupt. But overall, Border Collies are a brilliant choice for families. Lastly, this dog needs a house with a yard because they don’t like being locked up indoors. An open-spaced area can give this dog the healthy, happy, and engaged life they crave.



Loyal and affectionate, the little Dachshund is a great option for a family dog. If treated well, they go great with children. They’re not the biggest dog at all but this doesn’t stop them from being courageous. Despite being 9 inches tall, they would readily take on anything that’s a potential threat. So if you’re searching for a dog that would look out for your family, then this is the breed that you’re looking for. However, the dachshund tends to be jealous and protective of their belongings such as toys. To prevent developing this behavior, put a firm stop to it right then and there. Overall, the dachshund is loyal to their families, intelligent, and fun. They don’t need much physical exercise and they’re a comical and genuine companion.



Easy to train, intelligent, loving, and an excellent family companion, the Labrador Retriever seems to be the perfect package. Generally, this breed is great for growing families as long as they’re trained well and given an adequate amount of exercise. The Labrador Retriever is originally bred to work and they kept that behavior until now. This dog is at its happiest when they’re given something to do. Labs are peaceful with other animals and they are usually kind to other dogs, cats, and even children, as long as they keep their energy down a notch. They don’t mean to hurt anybody but their strength and size can sometimes betray them. Furthermore, this dog breed is helpful, friendly, and highly trainable. If you do decide to keep a Labrador Retriever, one thing’s for sure: you’ll love them in no time.



Though they were originally bred to be fighting dogs, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier we know and love today is one of the most intelligent, courageous, and trustworthy breeds in the world. This fine canine loves to be around children and people in general. Their people-loving personality makes them genuinely caring dogs.  Staffies are playful and affectionate by nature but dog owners should socialize and train them at an early age. Staffies thrive on human attention and they’ll do anything to get just that. Whether you choose to unwind on a sofa or play fetch, this dog is always up for it. Staffies are naturally athletic so they need a vigorous walk every day to remain fit and healthy. Like any other companion dog, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is prone to separation anxiety.



The Irish Setter is a fun-loving dog that is famous for its flame-colored hair, but also for its playfulness, grace, athleticism, and joyfulness. Owning this dog will certainly give you a bright, fun, and lively home. This goofy companion is always down for a rollicking good time. However, they have a mischievous side to them and they can be a bit stubborn. This is why training this dog breed is important. Because the Irish Setter is a very social dog, they love to be around people and this makes them horrible guard dogs. They do, however, make for decent watchdogs that will alert you when they sense trouble. Like every dog, early socialization is key for this dog breed. This ensures that your Irish Setter grows to be a well-rounded dog for your family.


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 Vizslas are confident, smart, and obedient dogs that form close bonds with their human families. While this breed is not that famous yet, they’re actually a great pick for active families with older kids. The Vizsla’s merry and energetic disposition will surely keep everyone fit and healthy. Because this breed is also known for being smart, they’re much easier to train than other dogs. It’s also a relief that they have a short coat, so their grooming needs aren’t too stressful. For the most part, the Vizsla is a lively and affectionate dog breed that will bless any home.



This gentle giant is known for its fondness for children. Dubbed as the ‘nanny dog’, the Newfoundland has many charming qualities that make them ideal for many families. This dog is sweet, calm, friendly, and protective. If you want a patient, easy-going canine, then you just found the perfect one. They are happiest when they’re showered with love and attention from their humans. As you’ve suspected, yes, they are also prone to separation anxiety. So if your family is busy and travels a lot, you might want to consider getting another dog breed. While they’re known for being calm, they can be a tornado on four legs when they’re in their puppy stages. However, as they mature, they become more collected. Be prepared for the mess that this breed will make because they shed all year round and their thick coat will bring in tons of dust and mud. However, if you do decide to get a Newfoundland, be prepared that no other dog can ever replace and compare to this angel.



The kind and gentle Golden Retriever is ideal for almost any family. Their trustworthy, cheerful, and demonstrative personalities will surely set an example for your little children. On top of this, they are incredibly friendly with everyone whether they are other dogs, cats, or even strangers! Though they have a loud bark, you won’t be frightened because it’s surely going to sound welcoming. Golden Retrievers retain their puppy-like behaviors for many years so you’ll have a big baby for quite some time. Early on in this dog’s life, obedience training must be established to instill good manners and calmness. This dog is eager to please its owners and they’re responsive to training, but they get distracted easily. This is why you must both be persistent and patient when handling them. All in all, a Golden Retriever’s heart is gentle and pure which makes them perfect for your family.



While you might be considering a pure breed as your new family addition, don’t leave out the mixed breeds! Mixed breeds are the best of both worlds. Just imagine the qualities of two breeds in one dog. These dogs are also relatively healthier because they have lower chances of acquiring genetic diseases. Mixed breeds can also easily adapt to any home as long as you give them all the love and attention they need.

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